Great resources and BreakThroughDigest archives
Below are a number of resources that you might find useful in your search for accurate health information.
With rising medical costs, many consumers are turning to natural alternatives as a way to manage their health. Natural remedies like herbs, fiber and probiotics can be a cost effective way to cleanse the colon and help maintain digestive wellness.
Medical Journals
Hundreds of health and medical journal websites for the serious medical researcher and health professional.
Government Health Sites
The most popular U.S. government health web sites with links to just about every
clinical trial, regulation and disease condition published.
Pharmaceutical Companies
More than 800 drug companies and pharmacuetical manufacturers websites.
Breakthrough News Archive 2005
You’ll find some of our most notable breakthrough news
releases featured in 2005 organized alphabetically by topic.
BreakThrough Feature Archive 2005
Feature articles and news stories worth hanging on to from the 2005 archive of BreakThrough Digest.