
Wheat can cause cancer?

July 20, 2007 by  



One Response to “Wheat can cause cancer?”

  1. Karen on December 14th, 2009 9:32 pm

    Both my pre-teen boys have Celiac Disease. Gluten Free and Organic fruits & Veggies have become second nature to our family now. One manages well(he also has type 1 diabetes). My other son has developed a Colitis and has not had successful treatment(trying oral steroids next). Might I also add….we had a toddler, who just recently passed away at three years old with Acute Leukemia(unknown) who had an abdominal bacteria,which Dr’s believe could be related to the family History of digestive problems in the intestine/bowel….. all the quick,processed foods are very unhealthy, especially if you have ANY family history of immune defficiency. We all need to live back in time like the Swiss family Robinsons, with our vegetable gardens & farms if we ever want to live a long prosporous life theses days.

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